Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tripp's Blessing

What a sweet experience. We blessed Tripp the weekend of the fourth so that we could have most of our families there and it worked out. Matt blessed him and did a really good job. But the night before, oh boy, I guess whatevea i ate that day made Tripp have thee worst stomach ache. Matt and I were up all night, then finally around 3:30 4ish he farted so loud, no lie, I think people in Bali heard it. He then fell fast asleep.


  1. Yay, a new post, you were sure in need of one! jk. Man, he's so cute and the blessing was beautiful. You guys looked so good for the fourth, i loved your outfits. I love you Kaylee!

  2. Kaylee you look so great girl!. Im sure Matt did a fantastic job on the blessing!. sure wish we could have been there.. but glad you guys had a great 4th, and that all is well. You guys sure are a cute little family! Can't wait to get back & meet your little guy. Take care!

  3. I found you guys!! If this is Kaylee, then I am Matt's friend from High School, Brette. If this is Matt then I found your blog with out your help! Congrats again on the new baby. He's a cutie! You can check out my blog at if you want. Hopefully we can keep in touch this way! Take Care

  4. Thank you Kaylee! And I totally wish Andrew and I could be in Snowflake for the 24th celebration... but unfortunately we can't :( Dangit!! But we hope to come to Arizona sometime before the end of the summer! We'll be sure to give yuh a jingle so we can get together!

  5. first off i went to school with Matt, so im not some random girl comenting!! but congrats on the new baby! thats so exciting! im sure it is so amazing to have a sweet little spirit in your home! good luck with everything!!


I'm so lucky!

I'm so lucky!

Just being Pregant

Just being Pregant

A day left

A day left

sporting the dbacks

sporting the dbacks

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me and my man

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